Abhyudaya’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) center was virtually inaugurated by Shri BC Nagesh, Primary & Secondary Education Minister, Government of Karnataka. Shri H S Nagaraja – Renowned Educationist & Founder of ‘Prayoga’. and Shri Hiriyanna – Scientist (Retd) from ISRO interacted with the students who demonstrated various experiments.
STEM Lab is supported by INTEL, HP Inc, REPCO Home Finance Limited. Following Dignitaries attended the program:
REPCO Home Finance Limited:
Shri Ranjit Shetty, Regional Head & Shri Sanjay Patil, Branch Manager
HP Inc
Smt Shankari, Program Manager & Smt Jayalakshmi Program Manager
STEM center has more than 200 kits for children from class 5 to class 12. The Science lab can support more than 2000 children every year. It will help children from lower income group, Government schools learn basic concepts of Maths and Science through experiential learning, in line with the NEP.
Karnataka State’s Primary & Secondary Education Minister Shri BC Nagesh appreciated the work of Abhyudaya for setting up STEM training center. He said more such centers should come so that learning will become more accessible to needy sections of the Society.
STEM Lab Outside View STEM Lab Inside 360° View LED Decoration Inauguration Guests & Dignitaries Arrival Students explaining to Delegates Students explaining to HP Dignitaries Students explaining to REPCO Dignitaries Students explaining the concepts Students explaining to Chief Guests Group Picture @ Jnanagiri Lighting the Lamp Chief Guests Minister’s Virtual Message In the News