Abhyudaya - Jnanagiri, Reaching The Socially Deprived, a Non-Profit Organization (NGO) for supporting the education and health of children belonging to socially and financially weaker families
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Keshava Kripa Samvardhana Samiti (KKSS) registered under societies act of Karnataka in 1963, carries out various seva activities  as an NGO.

Abhyudaya, a project under KKSS started its first Free Learning Centre (FLC) with 12 students in 2004. Currently, Abhyudaya reaches out to more than 5,000 students, spread across 180+ FLCs in underprivileged and rural areas of many states of our Country. All Abhyudaya service activities are Free, providing developmental Life-skills, Value-based holistic education, STEM Education, Digital Inclusion and various activities related to Healthcare and Livelihood, comprising 14 goals out of 17 UN SDGs across India.



For the prosperity of society and Country, we believe that Women Empowerment and educating children are our top priority. Families and communities of economically and socially weaker section become our focus group.

Keshava Kripa Samvardhana Samiti (KKSS) is registered with Indian Government NITI Aayog in NGO-Darpan platform under registration # KA/2018/0188905


 Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Building a strong community by empowering the socially deprived sections of the society through education.

Our Mission

Complementing mainstream education system and inculcating humanistic values to under privileged children through collaborative volunteerism.




Societal Impact

  • School / College drop-outs have gone onto pursue professional courses
  • Families of former convicts / addicts have moved to mainstream and even become donors to Abhyudaya
  • Communities have noticed improvement in Socio-economic status and Reduction of crime in surrounding areas
  • Many of former Abhyudaya students are giving their time for volunteering activities
  • Several neighborhoods in slum areas have become clean due to the efforts of Abhyudaya students’ awareness drive(s)
  • Abhyudaya pass outs are engaged as Bank officers, State administrative cadre officers, Medical students, Engineering students, Master degree students and Kalika Kendra Teachers


Journey So Far …

Reaching hundreds of socially deprived children

Particulars Beneficiaries
Kalika Kendra 50,000 students
Vidyanidhi 8,500 beneficiaries
Jnanagiri 3,500 students
STEM Lab 8,000 beneficiaries
Counseling 12,000 beneficiaries
Digital Inclusion 2,500 beneficiaries
Livelihood 3,000 beneficiaries
Sewa (Internship) 1,000 students

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Kalika Kendra Centers

Abhyudaya reaching the socially deprived children

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